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After a certain age, their phase comes where you have achieved and fulfilled all the responsibilities regarding your work and family. Now its your time where you can think about yourself and fulfilling the passion which got submerged in the responsibilities. Now you want to do fulfill all the wishes and passion but you have no clue what to do and how to start with it. There is one thing you have enough in your hand that is an ample amount of time but you are bored of doing the same thing every day. You want to get entertain, relaxed and utilize this time in a fruitful way. So here comes the Uttaranand Application with the solution of utilizing your time in a fruitful way with the aim to fulfill your wishes and requirements according to your taste and likes.
You are bored of doing the same thing every day and have nothing else to do and when you turn on the tv you see the same daily soaps and loud music. While watching it you so missed the movies and songs of your time when you were young. So here Uttranand comes up to give you break from your daily routine and take you the time which you miss the most, therefore we came up with module Joy in which we have focused on utilizing your time in an entertaining and fun way. So we have specifically worked on the videos, songs 60s,70s, etc so when you see and listen to them you go back to the time which is close to heart and we also want to enhance and entertain you with some interesting quiz game of all topic which is your favorite and you already have knowledge related to it. We know everything we talking about is available out but we also know it is not easy to get in one place, therefore we have filtered our content on the basis of your taste and likes.
You realize that now you have things to watch, listen and play and you feel like sharing it with your friends and tell them how you enjoying your favorite playlist and getting so much information through different quizzes. How the monotony of the same daily routine got interesting and you want to share everything with them and you feel like inviting your friends over a cup of tea and have chat with them but u find it difficult to call each of one separately. So here Uttaranand comes up, where we have module Meet- Up just to make your work easy. You just need to add the details when and where you want to meet your friends and invite them at one click.
While talking to your friends you realized you have forgotten your medicine to eat and you found maximum friends have the same issues and you thought do Uttaranad app have any solution for this so yes you got it right we do have the solution for it. For helping you we have module Wellness in which we have specific feature Medicine Reminder where you just need to tell us when you need to have what medicine then its our app work to tell you “it time for your medicine” and its just not for you, if you want to put reminder for your family member also you can do that too. And our wellness module also focuses on your health-related concerns with the right awareness following with yoga clips. Through wellness module, we aim to encourage your life in an active and healthy way.
While chatting with one of your friend he told you how difficult for him to think gift for his grand-daughter and he has no idea where to go shopping for the gift then you also start thinking how difficult is to go and shop gift when you have no idea where to go when you open your Uttaranand app and see whats for you in Facy module their you find Gifting feature where you see list of filtered gifts and for that you don’t need to go anywhere just select and order and the gift will arrive at destination where you want. The main concept in bringing upon Facy module is to serve you at the hour of need. It consists of some special kind of features which you look for and you need not be dependent on anyone.With this, you will see booking feature to in it where it helps you to book services- cabs, movies, flight and bus.